Our Values

Our Values

Change can be fun

Our system is broken! However, while Harry, Curly and Bo are reaping big rewards, we can have fun as we band together to fire them. As the saying goes, a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down. Congressman Curly is an organization that asks the question ”Are we having fun?” while we unify around our initiatives. This is why music, comedy and community are the foundation of our platform. 

Politics can be something that brings us together

You have been conditioned to think all politics is divisive, combative and disrespectful because this is what you see day in and out in the media. The reality is this pageantry equates to profit and power for politicians and their media partners which is why they spew it constantly. The truth is the vast majority of Americans agree our system is broken and needs reform for term limits, campaign finance and rating of the political media. A movement for something we all agree on actually brings us together, rather than pushes us apart.

Respect for individual positions

If you are conservative or liberal we respect your position on individual political issues and we are here to lead a community that follows this guideline. Congressman Curly is a voice to bring interest and awareness of a much needed plan to upgrade our political system. This plan benefits all Americans that wish to have a government of, for and by the people regardless of their position on a liberal-conservative spectrum.

Unity means we agree on the rules of the game

Unfortunately unity is a political term that is grossly misused by the Democratic-Republican Uniparty. When members of these factions use the term “unity” they are using it to promote the agenda of their career and tribe over and above the agenda of their country. Real unity means we agree on the rules of the game and how it is played. It means we fix the system for all of those it is meant to serve, rather than make changes that only benefit one side.