This Pre-Written Constitutional Amendment will fix America’s current political problems:

Amendment - Upgrade My Country

Section 1. 

No person shall be elected to the House of Representatives more than four times. 

Section 2.

No person shall be elected to the Senate more than twice. If a person serves a partial term in the Senate as a result of a vacancy due to a member’s death, resignation, or expulsion, then this person shall not be elected to serve in the Senate more than once. 

Section 3.

No person shall serve in the Supreme Court for more than eighteen years. If a person has served over eighteen years at the time of ratification of this Amendment, then their service shall be terminated within one hundred days.

Section 4.

A Federal Office includes President, Vice-President, or any office in the Congress. All legislative powers for the enforcement of voter education requirements and fair elections of Federal Offices shall be vested in the United States Fair Elections Council, which shall consist of a group of nine citizens for six years, and each council member shall have one vote. Each council member shall be compensated equal to a member of the Congress. The Council shall have a minimum budget for operations no less than three times the value of the total compensation of the Congress in its last session. The Congress may vote to allocate more funds from the Federal budget for the operations of the Council.

Members of the Fair Elections Council shall be elected every two years at the same time as the Congress by process of application, lottery, and use of the National Election Method as follows:

The application deadline shall be six months before the next election. Any citizen meeting the following requirements on the day of the application deadline may apply to be chosen in the next lottery. The Citizen shall:

  • Be between fifty-five and seventy-five years old. 

  • Have maintained residency in the United States for the last fifteen years.

  • Must not have been elected to a Federal Office. 

  • Must not have been elected the Fair Elections Council.

Five candidates will be chosen by a lottery conducted by the President 120 days before the election for each open position on the council. A candidate selected by lottery must prove they meet the requirements. An additional lottery will be conducted to replace a candidate unable to prove they meet the requirements. Any citizen chosen as a candidate for election from the lottery shall not be elected to a Federal Office. A citizen who has served on the Council will be entitled to an annual pension equal to the compensation of a member of the Congress for 15 years after the completion of their term. Each state legislature will conduct its own election of Council members by the citizens using the National Election method.

Immediately after the first Election, the council members shall be divided into three Classes consisting of three members in the first, second, and third classes by the order they were selected in the lottery. The Seats of the Council Members of the first Class shall be vacated at the Expiration of the second Year, of the second Class at the Expiration of the fourth year, and of the third Class at the Expiration of the sixth year, so that one-third may be chosen every second year. If a vacancy of a Council Member happens by resignation or otherwise during a session, an additional lottery will be conducted to make a temporary appointment until the next election.

Section 5.

The National Election Method shall be used to elect the President, Vice-President, and Fair Elections Council Members as follows:

Each candidate for President shall select one person to serve as both Vice-President and President of The Senate. Both the President and Vice-President shall be listed together as one combined choice on State voting ballots with the name of the Presidential candidate first and the Vice-Preseidntial candidate second.

Each State shall be allotted the number of National Votes equal to the whole number of Senators and Representatives to which the State is entitled in the Congress. One National Vote for each Congressional district will be counted towards the candidate who receives the most votes from the citizens in the district. The additional National Votes for each state allotted for its number of senators will be counted towards the candidate with the most National Votes from the sum of the total districts in the State. In the case that no candidate gets a majority of National  Votes for a specific State, then the count of the votes directly from the citizens will be used to determine the number of National Votes allotted to the candidate from the State for its members of the Senate. 

Each State legislature will conduct its own election. They shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for and of the number of votes for each, which lists they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate; -- the President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate, House of Representatives, and Fair Elections Council open all the certificates, and the votes shall then be counted. 

The person having the greatest number of votes for the office they are seeking shall be the winner if such number is a majority of the number of National Votes. If no person has a majority, then the candidate with the majority of votes directly from the citizens will be the winner.

Section 6. 

Each State shall create a Congressional district map for each seat of the Congress they are allotted. Each map must be approved by the Fair Elections Council. If a State does meet the approval of the Council for all of its district maps in a timely manner, then the Council will decide the districts. Each State shall create laws regarding the ballot access of candidates for election of Federal Offices. Ballot access laws must be approved by the Fair Elections Council. If a State does not present ballot access laws to the Council in a timely manner with regards to the election cycle, then the Council will specify the ballot access laws for the State. 

Section 7.

A Political Campaign is the selling of goods, services, or the collection of money and in-kind resources from other citizens and the spending of such money and in-kind resources in an effort to advertise, promote and elect a person running for a Federal Office. There can be only one campaign per candidate and only a candidate can initiate and control their own campaign. Only a citizen can purchase goods and services or donate money and in-kind resources to a campaign. No citizen shall take money or resources from another citizen to pass on to a political campaign. The Fair Elections Council shall create and enforce all laws with regard to campaign finance and electioneering including limits of campaign commerce and contributions and public disclosure of campaign contributions.

Section 8.

Each citizen must declare one physical address as a Home in which they are represented in a single Congressional District. A citizen may only contribute to the campaign of a person seeking an office in their Home Congressional District for the House of Representatives and Home State for the Senate.

Section 9. 

A Political Party is any organization or group of people that advocates for or against a person seeking a Federal Office. No political party shall sell goods or services, nor take donations, dues, or in-kind resources from any entity other than a citizen. No Political Party shall advocate against a specific candidate running for office without advocating for a specific candidate at the same time. The Fair Elections Council shall create and enforce all laws and limitations on the commercial activities of Political Parties. 

Section 10.

A Political Media Organization gives regular commentary on any of the following:

  • The operations of the Government.

  • Political Parties.

  • Candidates seeking a Federal Office.

  • Persons holding a Federal Office.

  • Other Political Media Organizations.

The Fair Elections Council shall define Political Media Organizations and a framework for judging bias in the conduct of their operations and presentation of their content. The Council shall create and enforce laws requiring the self-identification of Political Media Organizations and their bias rating to viewers of their content.

Section 11.

A well-functioning democracy depends on an informed electorate. The Fair Elections Council shall create and enforce voter education requirements to be implemented by each State conducting elections for candidates seeking a Federal Office and Membership to the Fair Elections Council. The requirements will specify background information regarding a candidate's work experience, criminal record, organization affiliations, relevant endorsements, and any such information the Council deems relevant to a citizen to make an informed decision when voting for a candidate. Nine months prior to each election the Fair Elections Council will publish a list of the twenty most important issues for the Congress to address in the next election cycle in the Opinion of the collective Council. Each Candidate’s position on these issues, along with the specified background information, will be made available to a citizen at the time of voting.