Sometimes life imitates art. It would take about 10 Million Americans to start a movement to amend the Constitution. Interested?

Wait, What? Are you serious, Man?

Upgrade My Country is a fictitious movement in the Congressman Curly story to amend the US Constitution, but if enough people are interested, we’ll actually create a new political organization to go out an do it. Amending the Constitution is a pretty big deal. It would mean that our Government would look unrecognizable from the form it is in today. Yeah, what a relief, right? Here are some Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Signing up below means you would be interested in being a member of a new political movement to pass 2 pre-written Constitutional Amendments to fix our broken system of government for Term Limits, Campaign Financing Reform, Political Party Regulation and Rating of the Political Media.

  • It would take about 10 million Americans to start a movement to amend the Constitution. So right now you would be expressing an interest by signing the form below. We would love for you to share our social media posts and encourage others to sign the interest form in the meantime.

  • No, people don’t believe what they can’t see, so they write it off as impossible. Many people thought it would be impossible to break the 4-minute mile, or land on the moon, until we did it. Don’t listen to the naysayers!

Count me in Brother! Let’s get all like…Thomas Jeffersony on their asses!!

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness...
Source: The United States Declaration of Independence
— Thomas Jefferson